Body Contouring with Venus Bliss Singapore

For many women, looking good is not only about looking beautiful on the outside, but also feeling beautiful!

This helps to improve womens’ self-image and boost her self-confidence. Everyone deserves to look good, and now might be a great time to spend some quality time doing that.

Have you heard about body contouring? This medical aesthetic procedure is about sculpting or reshaping most body areas to create a more contoured, slim, elegant body with an hourglass appearance.

If you want to reshape various body parts, smoothen your skin or eliminate excess fat, this skin tightening and fat-reduction procedure is what you need!

The fantastic news is that achieving the kind of figure you’ve always dreamed of is no longer an illusion with Venus Bliss body treatment. Let’s find out more about how fat this reduction and body contouring treatment can can help you eliminate those unsightly and stubborn fats while reshaping your body successfully!

What is Venus Bliss?

Venus Bliss Singapore is an innovative fat reduction treatment that is non-surgical and non-invasive, which serves as a suitable alternative for liposuction.

It targets several problem areas known to commonly have stubborn fats, so you could have a slimmer and more contoured body with minimal side effects and downtime.

This procedure can work for both males and females, and it is suitable for almost everyone. Venus Bliss can help you reduce the accumulated stubborn fats that do not seem to go away with regular exercise and dieting.

Venus Bliss Targets Areas with Stubborn Fats

How Does Venus Bliss Work?

This procedure combines two groundbreaking technologies to provide fat reduction, body contouring, and cellulite reduction. A diode laser comes hand in hand with the radiofrequency technology to tighten the skin, smoothen out the cellulite, and lessen the overall circumference of your problem areas.

One to four applicators are placed on your problem areas, and the laser effectively penetrates the layers of the skin until it reaches the fat cells. Its heating mechanism breaks down fat cells, and the body naturally and safely eliminates these byproducts.

Venus Bliss Help

What Areas Can Venus Bliss Help?

Most women have many hard-to-reach areas filled with stubborn fats that do not simply go away with a strict training regime. Thankfully, Venus Bliss Singapore can target the following areas:

– Upper arms
– Bra fat
– Stomach area
– Love handles
– Hips
– Inner thighs

Am I Suitable to Undergo Venus Bliss?

Fortunately, almost every woman can try this procedure. If you are troubled with the stubborn fats present all over your body, Venus Bliss may be the suitable treatment for you. This is also ideal for different body shapes, sizes, skin types or skin tone.

It is also recommended for patients who do not want to go under the knife to achieve their dream body figure. Since Venus Bliss is non-surgical and non-invasive, it is more patient-friendly.

What Should I Expect During the Procedure?

A session of Venus Bliss is expected to take approximately half an hour. The treatment usually begins with the placement of the applicators in the target area.

A cooling phase will be experienced wherein the patient may feel the coolness from the applicators. Afterward, it will feel warmer, and as the temperature increases, it will then switch back to the cooling phase.

An alternating heating and cooling phase is expected to occur during the session. Patients may feel minimal discomfort during this time, but it is tolerable and is an expected part of the treatment.

What Should I Expect After the Procedure?

After the body contouring procedure, the treated area is expected to appear a little flushed and feel tender and firm. Other side effects that patients may feel include swelling and slight bruising. However, these are tolerable and should not serve as a hindrance to your daily living activities.

Venus Bliss has minimal downtime, patients can resume their daily activities immediately after a session.

What Results Can I See After Venus Bliss?

After undergoing this procedure, different results will start to be noticeable. The following are just some of the changes you may notice after Venus Bliss:

Contoured body shape – With Venus Bliss, you can finally achieve the hourglass figure you have been dreaming of!

This procedure can trim and contour your figure successfully. It helps to reduce the body fat in your abdomen and flank area, giving you a well-sculpted body shape.

Eliminate excess fat in specific areas – Venus Bliss can treat the stubborn fat present in hard-to-reach areas. It is guaranteed to reduce the overall circumference of that area.

Tighter and firmer skin – Aside from fat loss and body contouring, Venus Bliss also contributes to the renewal of collagen and elastin in the skin. In turn, the skin becomes tighter, firmer, and smoother.

Reduced appearance of visible cellulite – The creases in problem areas are probably one of the biggest insecurities of women.

With Venus Bliss, the skin is gently pulled upward while the fat cells are shrunk. And since the collagen regrowth is also initiated, this would result in smooth and cellulite-free skin.

Safe and effective treatment for women – Venus Bliss adheres to the highest safety standards and is deemed safe and effective for its patients. This fat reduction procedure is suitable for you, whatever your skin tone or skin type.

Minimal side effects with reduced downtime – When compared to surgical procedures, Venus Bliss is superior because of its minimal side effects and downtime.

After the procedure, you can quickly ease back into your routine as if nothing happened!

Eliminate Excess Fats, Smoothen And Contour Your Body With Venus Bliss

When Will The Results Be Noticeable?

The majority of the patients who undergo Venus Bliss would already notice an improvement after just one session. Post-treatment, patients could already observe an improved skin quality. The skin appears tightened and firmer, and the overall circumference of the treated area is also reduced.

However, if you want to see the procedure’s body slimming and body contouring benefits, succeeding sessions may be necessary. Most patients undergo a treatment regimen consisting of three sessions for best results. These sessions are spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart so the body can adjust to eliminating the fat cells broken down every procedure.

How Much Will Venus Bliss Cost Me?

The cost of Venus Bliss Singapore may vary from one patient to another. Generally, a session of Venus Bliss Singapore starts at $300.

Because this treatment is highly customizable and personalised to match each woman’s needs and desires. You have to consider the areas you want to treat, the amount of fat cells to be removed, and the number of sessions to produce the optimal result.

We advise you to make your enquiries or schedule an appointment with Dr Fin for a personalised consultation, proper planning and price quotation.

Achieve that Contoured Attractive Body with Venus Bliss

Final Thoughts

Venus Bliss at ido Aesthetics is a beneficial, safe, and practical development in the aesthetic industry. It is designed to help you with your stubborn fats and maintain your figure, along with your self-confidence!

Aside from trying all kinds of fat-loss diets and exercise routines, this non-invasive fat reduction and body contouring treatment may be the key to your problem. You deserve to look your best and regain the confidence you once lost.

Take the first step in enhancing your body and improve your confidence today! Schedule an appointment with us for more details about this treatment now.