How Venus Bliss Helps Lose Belly Fats in Males?

One of the most common areas in men where fat accumulates is the belly. Even if you follow a healthy diet and strict exercise regimen, these bulges in the stomach and flank area are hard-to-remove. In fact, fats built up here are more challenging to eliminate than other areas around the body.

Models, personalities, actors, athletes and active individuals that train on a regular basis can also experience challenges with fat reduction, tightening and toning the flank area and at the abdominal region.

Having a body that is proportioned with tightened skin and contoured body with some definition is the desired goal for most men. Thinking about how you can achieve this? Discover Venus Bliss! This can help to address your problem with ease, and most importantly obvious results.

What Is Venus Bliss?

Venus Bliss is a non-invasive and non-surgical fat reduction treatment that improves men’s fat and saggy problem areas at the mid and lower section of the torso (at the abdomen, flanks and back).

It usually targets the stubborn fat present in the abdomen and flank and helps achieve a narrower midsection by reducing the overall circumference. Aside from this, Venus Bliss also offers skin tightening and body contouring effects.

How Does Venus Bliss Work?

Venus Bliss involves diode laser technology by using a machine with a laser lipolysis mechanism.

Our doctor can place the applicators ranging from one to four on the target area and can be individually activated. Once the procedure starts, the doctor could apply different configurations depending on your desired outcome.

The 1064 nm laser safely penetrates deep into your skin surface through the applicators until it reaches the fat cells. These cells are then heated and broken down into byproducts that the body can naturally eliminate. The structures surrounding the treated area are left unharmed throughout the procedure.

Venus Bliss Singapore done at Ido distributes energy uniformly throughout the applicators to avoid discomfort during the procedure. It also includes two internal temperature sensors that maintain a safe temperature for the patients.

Venus Bliss Work
Areas Can Venus Bliss Target

Which Areas Can Venus Bliss Target?

This FDA-approved fat reduction procedure can target the fat present along your flanks and abdomen, leaving it smoother, firmer, and more toned.

What Are the Benefits of Venus Bliss?

Males in today’s generation are more inclined to engage in aesthetic transformation related body treatments that help with fat loss, fat reduction, body slimming, and body contouring.

What Are the Benefits of Venus Bliss?

● Fat reduction – The stubborn fat present on your abdomen and flanks that does not quickly go away with diet and exercise can finally be solved.

Skin tightening – Aside from targeting the fats in your body, Venus Bliss also promotes collagen and elastin renewal, and this will leave the treated area noticeably firmer and smoother.

Body contouring – Men could also benefit from adequately shaping and sculpting their bodies. Venus Bliss could help you fit into your clothes better with no visible bulges.

Cellulite reduction – This slimming treatment shrinks the adipose cells on the target area and enhances collagen production, and it also pulls the skin gently upwards. As a result, the cellulite present in the area is reduced, leaving the skin smoother.

Short procedure – Compared with other fat reduction treatments, Venus Bliss takes a short time to complete. On average, a session may take about 30 minutes, and you can safely resume your activities right after.

Safe and effective – Venus Bliss is an FDA-approved procedure with minimal side effects and downtime, and it is deemed safe and effective for every kind of skin tone and skin type.

Benefits of Venus Bliss
Side Effects After Undergoing Venus Bliss

Are There Any Side Effects After Undergoing Venus Bliss?

After undergoing this fat reduction treatment, patients are expected to experience minimal tenderness, slight swelling, and firmness on the treated area. This is a medical grade treatment that has minimal to almost no pain or discomfort felt by the patient. More often than not, these side effects go away on their own after a few hours.

Venus Bliss is also beneficial, especially for working men, because there is minimal downtime after the procedure, and it typically does not interfere with the patient’s activities of daily living.

Nonetheless, if you experience intolerable discomfort, letting our doctor and medical team know as soon as possible is advised.

Who Is Suitable to Undergo Venus Bliss?

Men who want to lose fat are suitable to undergo Venus Bliss. It is deemed safe for all sharps, sized and skin types, including darker tones.

However, there are some contraindications when undergoing this procedure:
● Males with known skin sensitivity disorders
● Males with impaired skin sensation
● Males with severe visceral fat

On a side note, Venus Bliss Singapore is also not designed to treat obesity because it is not a weight-loss treatment. For individuals who want to lose a significant amount of fat in their bodies, formulating an exercise and diet regimen would still be the best.

You may undergo a personalised consultation with Dr Fin before undergoing this procedure to ensure its safety and efficacy in your case.

When Will I See the Results of Venus Bliss?

Majority of the patients who undergo Venus Bliss Singapore could already see a noticeable change in the quality and size of their target area. Patients may notice an improvement in their skin quality and reduction in their abdominal circumference with just one session of Venus Bliss.

However, if you have a specific body goal you want to achieve, you may need more than one session. This significantly depends on the status of your target area. Most patients may need a regimen of at least three to six sessions to achieve better results.

The sessions of your treatment regimen should be spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart. The gap between the sessions allows the body ample time to process, absorb, and eliminate the fat cells destroyed from the treatment.

What Is the Difference Between Venus Bliss and CoolSculpting?

Venus Bliss Singapore utilises heat and laser energy to destroy the fat cells present in the target area without damaging the surrounding cells. On the other hand, CoolSculpting Singapore destroys the fat cells in the area by using freezing temperatures. It also eliminates the fat cells without causing harm to the other structures.

In conclusion, both procedures destroy the fat cells, but they have different mechanisms. Additionally, Venus Bliss may tighten the skin and reduce cellulite in the treated area.

Final Thoughts

Venus Bliss is a great fat reduction procedure that will help men shed their belly fat. Men should also take care of themselves, and this procedure is a good start towards that self-care and amazing transformation!

Start your journey towards reaching your dream body goals with Venus Bliss. This non-surgical, safe, and effective fat reduction treatment is the answer to your stubborn fats.

Make your enquiries with ido Aesthetics or schedule an appointment and learn more about this fat-burning and body contouring treatment today.