Botox Treatment in Singapore

Botulinum Toxin

Woman with Wrinkles

Correct wrinkles with Botox

Botulinum Toxin has been a product used to reduce and relax expression lines for decades. Frown lines, forehead lines and crows’ feet can all be reduced with this minimally invasive treatment that lasts from 3 to 6 months after which the effect wears off and the muscle returns to its usual state.

This is a good treatment to reduce certain types of expression lines before they become too deep or permanent from repeated folding of the skin in those areas. By then, it would be too late! Nowadays this is a very common treatment done for men and women to achieve a subtle fresh look and prevent deep wrinkles.

How Botox Works

Botox works by temporarily blocking nerve signals in the muscles where it is injected. When those nerve signals are interrupted, the affected muscle is temporarily paralyzed or frozen. Without movement of these selected muscles in the face, certain wrinkles may be softened, reduced, or even removed.

Effects of Botox depend on the doctor performing the treatment and requests from the patient with some preferring “totally no lines” while others preferring a natural look. Once the Botox has worn off, the treated area returns to its previous state and there is not permanent lasting effect or worsening of expression lines.

Benefits of Botox

After treatment, you can see noticeable effects of less fine lines within 2 weeks with minimal downtime. To dispel some myths about this treatment: The product is not addictive and there is no withdrawal if the treatment is not repeated when the patient decides to discontinue for any reason. Untreated areas of the face will also not be affected as some may worry of having a “frozen look” after this treatment. Normal smiling, laughing, talking is not prevented by this treatment.


The best way to find out more about Botox and whether it is appropriate for your issues is to consult with a trained doctor or speak to someone who has had a treatment done.

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